I love my youth:D

Love God love people love life:D.

Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D

Posted on: Monday, September 7, 2009
Posted at: 9:17 AM
just can't study today man...fail...anyway decided to start studying history from friday after making sure I am studying the right thing...anyway couldn't control my mind and just can't I don't know??? like sit still so decided just get out of the house to help people or at least do something helpful...it is better then sleeping right??? so went out with cherie with Ivan Goh and Flavian...AIM: shop for a jeans for Ivan Goh
Location: Bugis
okok walked from inside bugis junction to bugis street then finally found a jeans...super cool one...guys jeans are so cool now...some are so shiny...I just like those kind man...girls don't have those...nicholas' jeans was the first that I saw was shiny but his isn't those that are shiny when brought but is shiny because he never wash it but definately it is cool ok...but those we saw today are made shiny wohohohoh...so exciting right??? then Jade Daniel and Colin came along too...walked Iluma...boring man...the nicest shop there closed down before the entire building even started...but still love Iluma because it has great long escalators wohohoho...then Jade daniel left and colin left so back to the 4 of us again and we roamed...Ion...OMG...it is like Ion for the how many times right...hahahaha...nevermind...cherie haven't been there...so go Ion can't missed their toilets...so we went in and show her the fabulous hand washing procedure inside...it is like super wow...so I was telling her my imagined toilet in the future surely better then Ion's tissues hand dryer and moisturiser dispenser below the mirror like the hand dryer and tisses they have already...idea of moisturiser??? from toilet on admin office side...you go there you will know what I am talking about...then we go PS eat dinner because Orchard area no food is affordable...anyway it is like from strickly window shopping only back to wow finally back to some practical shopping places...come on Ion have too much hing end shopping shops already...we walk in and they just simply bo chap you kind...then I was like saying maybe should find job in these places and you get a very very big discount from buying stuff from there because they want you to wear their produces while working...so work somewhere you like to buy clothes from hahahahahahahahaha:D
Anyway that idiot that shares the same room as me pissed me today...I tell you I am not talking to her already...want talk use handphone lah...you want to be not flexible I play with you lah...fine...you want talk to me...nothing but through handphone...can't even breath the same air...