I love my youth:D
I love my youth:D
Love God love people love life:D.
Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D
Posted on: Friday, August 7, 2009
Posted at: 10:42 AM
Yess!!!!! 2nd oct graduation already!!!! I am like announcing to the everyone I see in the afternoon in church!!! Hahahahahaha AMK sec is in Nov...loser...got to be some AMKian until Nov hahahahahaha:D Laugh at u man!!! Today no school tthen no school lo...We get to graduate earlier...hahahaha...Posted at: 10:42 AM
Oh yeah Nicholas withdraw from school already...going PGSM probably...no...maybe NS first...the country won't let him off so easily anyway....Jerome also probably withdrawing too...sad man...the world is seriously like this...even if he change a school...next time in the future he will still meet people like this....anyway...we left church at 8 plus and went to Jerome house because he wanted to change and put down his stuff then went to Chomp chomp for supper...no...is actually dinner....lost my appetite also...so didn't take dinner at all....is really not diet lo...is really don't feel like eating at all even if the nicest food is in front of me...so why waste this time to eat...time to lose some weight also...tomorrow morning study...sunday morning study...after service on sunday have NDP live in church...monday aunty flying to hong kong to further studies for 1 year...hahahaha:D she make me and wanting send her off can...anyway...going airport...so won't waste the time...I will go airpport after CHC morning prayer meeting and study...and also maybe do some secret mission...hahahahahah......cannot say...it is to prepare for some important people the birthday....our birthday card plan is extreme...much work and effort have to be put in to make the card as planned!!! Gigantic pop-up card!!! will finish off 4 more hour of study tomorrow morning after I wake up...I study now also won't be effective studying...so must as well sleep first and study tomorrow:) Great day at ION today with Tania, Christie and Shu Yi...Ion is really BIG!!! A pair of jeans in ZARA caught my eye...cost $79.90...hint hint hint hahahahaha:D my jeans is like-.-all beacuse of the stupid washing machine in my house...and anyway I wear my jeans alot so should be quite worth it de....and Ion also have all the expensive shops like LV, Prada and also the shop San Ho open de...1 jacket quite 'cheap' lah 5 hundred dollars 'only' lah.....hahahaha:D that day saw joleen have one!!! OMG can!!! I think I am not the only one that tell her..."that is expensive!"....anyway just found out from Jerome that Bio med in NP cannot use macbooks....oH MaN!!! My mac book down the drain....and he say it is best I buy it from NP if I want so can have 3 year warrenty-.- got to wait till next year can....anyway chinese result confirm out on Tues!!! peeps!!! Prepare your heart to receive the results ok...I have a strong feeling I might fail...I screwed up my oral can...I will never forget that chinese oral experience...because I totally can't read...I also can speak...more of talk in chinese only the rest...fail man....just now flavian nicholas and jerome even laugh at me speak chinese...where got funny lo...so normal sia...they haven't hear me speak hokkian only man...they will laugh their ass off de...oh yeah going shopping today tempted me to want to buy so many things.....have not go for those kind of hardcore shopping for very long already...will do it once I finish the last Olevel paper! Some many things I want to do...shopping...baking....outing....gaming....hangout...even when I go Ion today can still feel the tension in my body...the tension is like rising....wonder if my body could take it through all the papers...less then 3 months left...I really understand what clarrie told me that time during the June holidays..." we saw the number drop from 300 plus to 100 plus to a 2 digit number then finally the last 10 days....now is like 70 more day...somewhere there already....