I love my youth:D
I love my youth:D
Love God love people love life:D.
Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D
Posted on: Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Posted at: 5:43 AM
hahahahahaha:D just went through a super duper sian day...school then some national day parade rehersal then tuition...but can't say that the day is a complete :( day...things are really bored but I am :) come on make the best out of the boring day:) aren't me smiling the day through hahahahahahahahahaha:D Lessons have nothing much to say...realised there are people in my class that still has the mood to play around during lesson time...aren't they scared about o'level...come on I am not talking about just talking in class or using handphones here alright...they are just extreme...saying it in a long way.....hand held gaming device...got what I mean right...yeah...anyway today only has 3 subjects in school...can I really say something...I really feel that last week studying is more productive then this week....hahahaha...really! Today have some people spreading about spot checks today but it didn't happen...haha we all wasted our efforts passing our handphones away...tomorrow is the real one already.....but tomorrow is going to be a long school day...actually planned to go lunch with marcus and lorenzo during lunch break but I don't think we can now....rehersal was better then I thought...we finally get to throw our guides hats on the ground on friday! Passing out parade! so exciting right...something new here....never happen in school before this the first year they are trying this...and a total joke seeing all the UG representitive going up to collect our POP certs hahahah....seriously...look at their expresion...we get the best view man...the flag bearers are at the most front so we get to see everything first hand hahahahahahahaha! Brought a new hamster before tuition just now! haha....shall name it cookie2 hahahahahaha:D this is fatter...so I am going to feed this one fat fat le...no more slimming hahahahahahaha:D It is hiding under the beddings now...kind of tired after all the 'earthquake' on the way home.............and got to say.....that is the happiest thing I hear the whole year!Posted at: 5:43 AM