I love my youth:D

Love God love people love life:D.

Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D

Racial Harmony No Lesson Day!!!
Posted on: Friday, July 17, 2009
Posted at: 6:46 AM

Do hanna!!! So exciting man...first time...seriously...it smells badly...use hand steriliser to cover up the smell...The hands above are mine(most right) audrey's and Jorine's...(clockwise) The whole time in school just ran around eating taking photo and did some crazy stuff...scream and cheer during the fashion show till I have immediate sore throat...During class party the guy and Fahmy did crazy things la! They gambled and whoever that lossed with have to finish a cup of disgusting thing like mixing Sala sauce with coke with tomato sauce with potato salad and even watermelon!!! Wait till I get all the photos then I shall upload in another entry...Didn't share WOW testimony during CG cos I got so scared...wait till one day when I am ready then share ba...Audrey burnt herself by the light...hahahahaha...because the lights are really very hot de...Super bored during cafe duty today because went only half-way and like no customer de...found a place quiet and dark and really perfect to hide in church...no one manage to find me for some time...Oh yeah The Straits Times!!! Home page 4...interview pastor How about some twitter thingy...They spell Pastor How's name wrongly...it later became a joke because Pastor joke on twitter about the name and it is really coincidental because the Typo error by straits times is that they spell pastor's name as pastor Seow How San when it is at least Seow How Tan...I heard from them the san is used to refer to a male in Japanese and Chan to refer to a female in japanese and just so coincidentally Pastor Lia's name is Pastor Cecilia Chan...just nice hahahahaha Pastor How say on twitter that it might be a sign from god to plant a heart of God church in Tokyo...