I love my youth:D

Love God love people love life:D.

Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D

Acadamic excellence
Posted on: Saturday, July 11, 2009
Posted at: 9:35 AM
Was at F zone's service today. Because pastor is going to preach on acadamic excellence...got to train my brain!!! Actually I am not slow...sometimes is just that either I just act or I can't hear or I totally don't know...I am a very clever and sharp person de...then for main service is on no limitations...I am so going to dream big and really come out with a picture of what I dream so I can see it physically...haha:D I am not going to say that I am tired anymore...but I am not my best today already...throat is getting sore because of alot of screamimg and cheering...anyway we were talking about saying yes! in our own school class in the bus just now and abi ask us to try amen instead...hahahahahaha I think I am in this for real!!! Yes is really no kid now because I do in occasionally in class to just unknowingly...hahahaha:D seriously...
things are turning and moving I can't wait man!!! And after service walking around the auditorium...pastor walked past and we wave and say hi to pastors...pastor how saw me and is like eh...hi!!!! Pastor still remember me can! Even though AMT is like a month ago already....and the youths have already grown to over 1000 last week!!! When the announcement video played till that part last night I just shouted something to the person sitting next to me unknowingly...just too excited because...hahaha someone can finally get married hahahahaha.....
anyway that is not the point...haven been bring people quite sometime...anyway I am once a loner...of course I don't have much friends in my circle...anyway sudden have a urge of inviting someone to acadamic excellence open house next week...gonna pray first...
really have lots of things to talk about....think about lots of thing recently too...changed alot of plans in the way I will go toward where I want to go to...feelings...changed alot...as easy as that...I don't like you I won't hang out with you...easy right...that is it! Made new friendships...people that are not as fake...people I naturally can share with...it is them man...I finally know why sometimes I can share how I feel and when other times it is just uncomfortable and doesn't feel like it...it must be the right people...just like my AMT team mates...I know them barely a day but it is just naturally can talk and share de lo...people tell me why??? It is like the best there what...but to me...it isn't the best to me...come on la...I seriously agree that people do change faces...attitude with me and doesn't understand me...how should I work with these people...come on la you can't blame me for everything right...gosh I don't want to make myself angry...change topic...
Kaye is going America at the end of the year...so gonna save some money and make a long long shopping list so she can help me buy stuff from there...hmmmm...maybe i-touch??? It is so much cheaper there and and and...don't know yet gonna check things out first...Kaye I think U can bring back a laggage of stuff I would ask u to help me buy...seriously stuff that are branded in singapore like guess...is like a normal shop there like the hang ten in singapore is common...why not hahahahahaha!!! Next topic...
The girls painted Walter's nails blue, pink and black...plus he have long nails...so when he and Flavian are guying around in the bus (for fun de....), walter's hand looks like a girl's hand touching flavian...so funny...and it really makes my hair stands...
Is this a really long post...I am going to make it long...
Tomorrow have cafe...Kaye was taken down from usher...and she wants to usher but can't poor she...so sad kaye!!! hahahahahahahahaha:)
Thinking of what laptop to get for next year already...thinking and thinking...probably something I can play games too de...probably I could have sometime next year to play computer games...just downloaded dragonica...try this is looks fun...I won't get hooked onto it...don't worry...because I am now very motivated to study after today's AE service in zone F shall really do my best...I am all prepared for the war of olevel...because I can't misuse my brain when it is the most most powerful thing god have given to mankind which makes us able to subdued all the other amimals and living things on planet earth.
Now it is considered day of sabbeth already...because it is past mid night already...and I can't study or do any stuff already...going to sleep le... sweet dreams! I am sleepy I am tired I am sleepy I am tired...hahahaha to make it easier for me to sleep:)