I love my youth:D
I love my youth:D
Love God love people love life:D.
Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D
Posted on: Friday, July 3, 2009
Posted at: 9:13 AM
Aiyo! Abi walter and Flavian went to peicai's speech day just now...I should have went! BMI was rather slack...wipe wipe sweep sweep then finish already. At dinner with D1 ceg then later went Geylang the beancurd with Darren, Abi, Nicholas, Walter, Flavian and Alvin...went home too late...mummy was quite mad...but ok already because she nag let her nag I go bath come out it is all back to normal already. Quite tired now...no strength already...tomorrow shall come back early to study after service...so...sunday can hang out later because...monday is a day reserved for youths and if I have to study I would study on sat because sunday cannot study...it is the Sabbath day so cannot study haha:D Nicholas came out with this last week when I was about to study on sat past mid night and Kaye is studying and kaye on the other side came and tell me lets better not study and sleep ba...haha:D Sabbath day is true but...weather we should not study...I am not sure. But I think tonight I shall study...anyway I am left with less then 5 hours to finish I definately can finish before the day breaks:DPosted at: 9:13 AM