I love my youth:D

Love God love people love life:D.

Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D

Wasted day
Posted on: Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Posted at: 4:15 AM
Other then morning prayer meeting and tuition, the rest of the day is nearly wasted!!!
759 people attended Morning Prayer Meeting today haha:D because me and Jorine did the counters today:D Stood at the white gate today for nearly 2 hours. Linus came in the last 10 mins!!! haha:D I am like Linus!!! It is 8 already!!! HAhahahahaha:D:D:D
Slept after breakfast on the chairs till afternoon. So tired!!! But at least I went for tuition today ok!!! haha:D
When me and Nicole took a MRT to tuition we saw something...

find the picture it is super funny will upload it once I finds it:)
Colin is leaving for reservice tomorrow!!! He is going to miss zone camp and is feeling sad. Vik told me de I think he send to the wrong person ba because it sound like he is sending to his CG haha:D But we will all miss him
P.S. I am a girl not a guy or boy!!!