I love my youth:D
I love my youth:D
Love God love people love life:D.
Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D
Thank You
Posted on: Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Posted at: 8:11 PM
Are you happy that you:Posted at: 8:11 PM
-get to live
-get to eat
-know who your parents are
-get to study
-have friends
-have people to guide you
-know when your birthday is
-get to go shopping
-have shoes to wear
-have clothes to wear
-living in a urban city
-have pens to write with
-have books to read
-are being protected of
-are a human
-get to see
-get to experience day
-get to experience night
-have something to sleep on every night
-have light bulbs to use
-clocks and watches to know the time
-have fans to keep ourselves cool
-have music
-live after the discovery of basic science
-get to have medicine to eat when unwell
-people know what hygenic is
-standardised SI units
All these are better then:
-being dead
-no food to eat
-being orphans
-not allowed to study
-no friends existed
-no one to guide you
-don't know when you are born
-no shops existed
-no shoes to wear
-no clothes to wear
-living in the forest eating berries and grass
-writings are carve on stones
-no books to increase your knowledge
-no human rights
-being a animal
-being blind
-no day no night
-nothing to lie on to sleep
-no bulbs or even candle were created
-no clock no time
-no fans
-no music
-no science
-no mecidine, if fell ill is die for sure
-people eat shit without washing. Carrying out operation without washing hand.
-no proper measurement everyone buy unstandardised measurement of things.
Sometimes I really wonder if people now know what being grateful is. Sometimes when being in the mist of all the fun laughter and games, I forget about being grateful, going back and say thank you. Just like the 10 people with Leprosy, Jesus heal, only one came back to thanks him. Realise that most of the time I am like the other 9 which where healed but never whole, went off and celebrate but doesn't have gratitude. Little things in my life I can thanks for, why ask for more? This makes requests more unreasonable.