I love my youth:D

Love God love people love life:D.

Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D

Easter Hangout
Posted on: Saturday, April 11, 2009
Posted at: 9:54 AM
Super sick in the morning. Went to the doctor at noon. Got a MC for monday. Went home slept till 3.30 wake up bath and go church. Reach there quite late, and was raining very heavily. Got to know some new friends before service too. Colin's cousin and her friend. Colin's cousin is so not like colin can. haha:D More of the shy type. Her friend was great to talk to too. Both of them from Hua Chong, some quite clever people. They are pretty and smart. Watch GXT production video on Art of connecting with friends episope 1 like 3rd time but it still makes me laugh Benjamin said to me, "see so many times already still can laugh until like this."It is super funny can. GXT produce the funniest video on earth!!! Pastor preach on a powerful sermen on shame, really impacted by it! After service was Easter Hangout event. Felt bad that i can't help out in cafe. Coughing quite badly today afraid that i may contaminate the food. But the event was fun. Children church kids even pick 3 songs and dance with it. They are so cute. Tomorrow doesn't service. It feels so weird. But anyway it is grandma's birthday, luckily there is no service, mummy definately wants us to go to the birthday lunch.