I love my youth:D
I love my youth:D
Love God love people love life:D.
Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D
pastor joakim we love you!!!
Posted on: Saturday, February 14, 2009
Posted at: 9:06 AM
Pastor Joakim is here for these two days preaching on the ten modern martyrs who died for christ in the twentieth century on fri night where he talk about three of them who are Elizabeth, Oscar Romer and Manche Mosemola by the end almost everyone were in tears already and tomorrow he would be talking about 7 in a row so excited can wait for it already! how i wish service would be starting now already!!! today he brought a sermen on Welcome home! it was so powerful too. i think all the new friends there were all saved ba!!! pity...i didn't get to bring any new friends but i will definately bring some when he is coming back to Singapore in June. Today is a long day filled with thoughts and emotions. Weiling is abit crazy on valentines day, u see her emoing for awhile and the next moment she is laughing none stop like a crazy woman. and later she is crying like a baby looking stupid when tears wont stop coming down scolding people who are innorcent i am very sorry. when can weiling grow up! people doesnt like when u cry easily okie. your classmates too okie they are talking behind your back and even poke fun of u already remember your new year resolutions remember??? if u keep crying then u are not fulfilling your new year resolutions it would be as good as breaking promise and people who break promise is no good so weiling u cant be like that okie dun be cry baby anymore. bring a crybaby for the past 15 years is enough already u should be growing up already ms leow also told u that crying easily will give people a chance to bully u and u should bare in mind that.Posted at: 9:06 AM