I love my youth:D

Love God love people love life:D.

Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D

jamie's last day on attachment yeah!!!:)
Posted on: Friday, January 30, 2009
Posted at: 7:20 AM
Friday lesson is always short and sweet...happy
on top of that, daddy and mummy are on leave so they both came to pick me up and went for lunch
in 3 hours, i left and went back to serangoon gardens
first was when i was there with daddy and mummy for lunch
second time was after meeting pollyna, we went down to meet colin and cheng ming
evening was spent in chinatown...
weird? before chinese new year didn't even go chinatown walk walk after chinese new year then go there...nope it is a surprise plan okie haha:D
Jamie's last day on attachment!!! finally finish le
polly, cherie & me went to buy a super beautiful sunflower in somewhere in chinatown which is so big the abigale said that it is as big as a face
next is to search for Jamie's beetle!
we went to her office block carpark but it is nowhere to be seen
luckily there is felicia who once seen jamie's beetle in another carpark so some went over to see if it is there while we stayed there to finish up the messages on some post stick, rolled up and placed in a cute box.
we went over when they confirm that the car is there and they also wrote on a few pieces of paper "it is finished...!!!" wanting to surprised her but ended up placing everything at the top of her car and clipping the words on the window of her car, wanting to hide and look at her quietly. but later two indian ladies saw the word in the gifts on the car walk in between the car to see it luckily Gabriel and cheng ming to the rescue and actually they thought it was a bomb in the cute box which contain our msgs it is so hilarious after thinking for a while, we realise that the words "it is finish" is the cos of this as it can be quite misunderstanding too. At night at home suddently went to weigh myself and realise i gained 2 kgs fron CNY i decided to offically go on diet cos it is really very terrible.