I love my youth:D
I love my youth:D
Love God love people love life:D.
Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D
The confession of my secondary one and two life:D
Posted on: Saturday, May 16, 2009
Posted at: 10:07 AM
Warning!!!Posted at: 10:07 AM
This post contains my perceptive of 2F (2007) and also part of my life. It is strictly my perception, and I would hereby apologised first if any of the following content offends anyone out there. But this is the only memory of my secondary school life I will bring with me. The story begin with the first day in school:D
1F(2006) have the funkiest teacher, funniest teacher and the loudest teacher and even...a china chinese teacher hahahahah:D
Mr Chia is our form teacher and this is what he told us on the first day in school,"This is my first year teaching in this school so I am also as new as you guys!"It is hard for a teacher new to the environment to help his students get used to the environment. But Mr Chia did a great job! (some virgin princess only know how to sit in the office and pick on good people's flaws who care about all this lossers) I saw 2F's unity fron the first day in sec one even when we are all new, shy and quiet then. Through secondary 1 we grew, knew each other better and also made some teachers angry together and the teacher left in tears. I remembered that we changed a total of 12 science teachers in the short year alone in sec one. I remember that the first two people me and Cheryl know together is Miao Qin and Wendy. Actually I am quite a loner in sec one too. Maybe because I am fat, really fat and my self-esteem is low ba...the people iin my class will know haha:D My only friends are Cheryl and the people in girl guides and they are all that is in my life. Sad right??? But I joined Girl Guides and Cheryl joined Vollyball, so we drew apart soon and became more of nearing those hi bye friends. The vollyballers with Joleen and Jia Lin formed a clique, since I said I am a loner of cause I wasn't their friend. I think Clarissa doesn't like me then too. I didn't learnt my lesson from my PSLE and continued to slack and play through sec one until when end of year exams are nearing and I realise I nearly can't passed that I then started to work really hard. I also remember that I was in TAF that I first really made friends with Weeling and that we later became close friends for quite sometime. I hated the morning run so much that I will just forge sick infront of my doctor just to get a MC. I have long MCs because I just keep going to the doctor every 2 weeks and the MCs really lasted 2 months. I wasn't sad that I don't have much friends in the class then because my closer friends are all outside of my class. But we know that the classmates are still better because we spent nearly 90% of the time in school with them. But being quiet and look from the outside, I can then see the reals and fakes. I won't mention them but there is seriously some. Of cause the outside like us gossip and backstab too. I confess the I am kind of part of quite a big anti fan club and in friendster and also almost the start of one of the biggest anti-someone in 1F and 2F. But these are all in the past already. Maybe many may not know, but what was done cannot leave forever without guilt. When it comes to the end of sec one I really mug through the night. Study till 2 wake up at 5. Hated art lesson and exams because I am not those art people. Mr chia was already very easy about giving us marks and I am the only one that still failed. I only passed up one assignment the whole year. The report book came...I actually passed, by a 7.2% for the overall 10 subjects. But I really woke up and know I can't play with my life anymore. From october when the holidays start, I lost more than 10 kg before secondary 2 starts. Gainig 3 kg in between from taiwan and lost it too. That holiday was quite bad when I think back but that is not the worst. Sec 2 we had a actual science teacher for once. She taught 1D in 2006 but came to teach us and them in 2007. When the real teachers comes everybody respect and does what she says. I really mug like mad through sec 2. I top science from the beginning of the year with Jeekin overtaking me sometimes but that is what I do all day, trying to do better in my studies and indeed I realise studing proves myself to people for something. Sec 2 was a fun year no one forgets. Ms yeo our crazy Math teacher scolds me crazy woman but she is crazy too! I think that year the craziest thing I did to her was scoring full marks for the math paper 1 in the EYE and nearly failing the paper 2. I can remember that super clearly because that was the first time I got full marks for math. Hey it is because I mug lo... In sec two annual camp the NA class scolded us and we ganged ourselves together to ignore them and if nessary scold them that is the real unity I saw in 2F though it seems like a bad thing but it still shows our unity. We are really like the best of the bes t in the entire level I would say. Every teacher from then on that comes into my class just loves us. And even in acadamically, 2F simply took up almost most of the top 10 positions in the entire level for that year. 2F pupil became leaders in their CCAs too. We showed a very strong and united side to the teachers and the rest of the level but being inside, what I saw was the other side. The side of weakness and all the bad culture in 2F. But I am sure people and Jealous of my class. Everyday in class there is backstab, hatred and open scolding at times and even bully (nobody should deny this). BUt when it comes to competition, we part aside everything and do our best. We won the most united class for our restuarant project. Ok here is another crazy but logical thing. We have a math trail during the sec 2 camp and we were brought to VIVO city and we are suppose to count the number of flowers on this gaint ball. So I saw a booth at the side and went over to ask them how many flowers are there when everyone is counting aimlessly. Hehe:P luckily I manage to get the answer before ms yeo caught me and told the person not tell any students that comes pass to ask because we are having a competition. There are really many many things that happened in Sec 2 but sec 2 ended with an unsuccessful BBQ which I didn't attend any because I was away but the entire cause of it is hatred, gossip and being not happy but not telling the other party and I shall not elaborate. We split into the different classes in sec 3. But the we came back together for a christmas cum gathering BBQ at the end of 2008 seeing people coming together not have that hatred anymore so deep is great. All I hope that this bond never breaks:D