I love my youth:D

Love God love people love life:D.

Hello:D Weiling (belle)
one year older every 21 oct
turning 16 this year:)
Curious about things around me
The Greatest Thing In All My LIfe Is Knowing, Loving and Serving You:D
Learning In Progress:D

at home for christmas day in HOGC
Posted on: Thursday, December 25, 2008
Posted at: 9:24 AM
really tiring today handling 3 people...but i believe that we would reap good fruits from the seeds we sowed these 2 days. Brought a total of 4 people on christmas eve and christmas day and i just made up my mind to really sow into someone as everyone could see potential in him and like cherie, i will really pray morning and evening for him. i am also offically pennyless today but lucky me! mummy and daddy is coming back from china in a few hours from now which is 0130 already. today is an exciting day for me and also learnt something and i also agree with what mabel said in her testimony which says something like: i found true happiness when friends i bring to church accept christ. and that what pastor how said to us when we pass him the chocolate they made in kendra's house as he said: i doesn't matter that they haven accepted christ now but keep them coming back and something will happen. to reward myself for they day of hardwork, guess what supper with the regular supper group again just now!!! okie to say i am really offically gaining weight le which i am trying really to control but it is really worth it with the exchange for the great chance for fellowship:D